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Dados da história da instaforex Seit 2003 hat clipinc - und spter auch der Nachfolger - Millionen Software, software, software, software, revistas, revistas e software. A indústria da música culpa o compartilhamento de arquivos e ação legal contra. Downloads digitalisierter Musikstcke wie Filehosting, Stream-ripping und die Intelligente Aufnahmesoftware (z. B. MusicMonster) ermglicht das Aufzeichnen. India. FDI Em B2C E-Retail Introdução A última década na Índia tem visto um aumento constante no comércio eletrônico (e-retail, e-travel e e-classifieds) devido ao aumento significativo no número de usuários de internet, a proliferação de internet-enabled Dispositivos, aumento dos rendimentos descartáveis ​​e crescente aceitação dos pagamentos on-line. 1 Os produtos ou serviços podem ser encomendados eletronicamente, mas o pagamento não necessariamente deve ser realizado on-line. O sistema de entrega de dinheiro é uma das maiores razões para o crescimento do comércio eletrônico na Índia. Mais de 50% de todas as transações on-line na Índia acredita-se que sejam baseadas no sistema de pagamento em dinheiro. 2 O crescimento notável da indústria de comércio eletrônico confirma que os índios estão cada vez mais dispostos a comprar bens e serviços on-line, o que deu um forte impulso ao investimento estrangeiro. Os capitalistas de risco estrangeiros e as empresas de private equity demonstraram sua fé no setor de comércio eletrônico indiano, o que é evidente pelo aumento importante dos investimentos totais (US $ 800 milhões em 2011 frente a US $ 110 milhões em 2010). 3 O tamanho do mercado de comércio eletrônico da Índia em 2013 foi de cerca de 13 bilhões, de acordo com um relatório conjunto da KPMG e da Internet e da Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). 4 Apesar do crescimento crescente, o mercado de comércio eletrônico não está sem obstáculos. Além dos problemas de logística, estrangulamentos nos transportes, abandono dos gateways de pagamento e um ambiente intensamente competitivo, uma recente preocupação recente é a alegada violação das leis de investimento estrangeiro por empresas de varejo eletrônico na Índia. Este boletim fornece uma breve visão geral da política governamental atual sobre o investimento estrangeiro direto (FDI) no comércio eletrônico de negócios para empresas (B2B) e de comércio a consumidor (B2C), a alegada violação de normas de IDE por empresas de varejo on-line E os prós e os contras do IDE no B2C e-retail. 1. Política de IDE existente sobre B2B e B2C e-retail na Índia A política de IDE da Índia permite o IDE até 100 nas atividades de comércio eletrônico, mas isso depende de uma estipulação muito crucial, a política se aplica apenas às empresas envolvidas no comércio eletrônico B2B, E não para aqueles em comércio a retalho. 5 É neste ponto que a classificação dos negócios de varejo on-line em B2B e B2C e-retail torna-se significativa. No B2B e-retail, a negociação é entre entidades empresariais, como fabricantes e atacadistas ou entre atacadistas e varejistas. A Índia permite 100 IDE no B2B e-commerce sob a rota automática. 6 No B2C e-retail, os negócios on-line vendem diretamente aos consumidores. A política de IDE prevê que o comércio de varejo, de qualquer forma, por meio do comércio eletrônico, não seria permitido para empresas com IDE e se dedicaria à atividade de negociação de varejo de marca única ou comércio de varejo multi-marca. Portanto, é claro que a política de IDE existente não permite o IDE no comércio eletrônico B2C. 7 Esta restrição ao investimento estrangeiro no B2C e-retail forçou muitas entidades comerciais on-line com investimento estrangeiro a adotar o modelo de mercado. Neste modelo, a empresa on-line executa um site que fornece ao mercado uma plataforma para transações comerciais entre compradores e vendedores. Em troca dos serviços prestados, a empresa online ganha comissão dos vendedores. 8 Neste modelo, a propriedade do inventário ganha com as empresas (também os vendedores finais) que anunciam seus produtos no site da empresa online. 9 Assim, o modelo do mercado é compatível com a política de IDE da Índia, uma vez que a entidade comercial em linha que fornece o mercado não se envolve em nenhuma transação de varejo ou em qualquer venda direta ao consumidor. O modelo do mercado se traduz em margens menores, e menos controle sobre a qualidade do serviço, a descrição do produto e a velocidade de entrega. A Amazon, Inc. foi forçada a adotar um modelo de mercado na Índia para cumprir os regulamentos do FDI, enquanto nos Estados Unidos segue um modelo de mercado híbrido. A incapacidade de adotar modelos de inventário, ou experimentar com misturas de inventário e modelos de mercado torna difícil para os varejistas fazer inovações e expandir sua oferta. 2. Flipkart39s alleged violation of the FDI policy Since November 2013, Flipkart, one of India39s largest online retail businesses, has been under investigation by the Enforcement Directorate ( ED ) 10 for alleged violation of FDI regulations. Violation of FDI regulations is covered by the penal provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. Tracing the events of the past couple of years will clarify why Flipkart is under the scanner of the ED. Flipkart was incorporated in 2008, and was operating on an inventory-based B2C model. In August 2012, Flipkart raised 150 million in its fourth round of funding from MIH (part of Naspers Group) and Iconiq Capital. Flipkart39s global investors include Accel Partners, Tiger Global, Naspers and Iconiq Capital. The foreign investment policy meant that an online retailer like Flipkart could not have FDI in its B2C entity, unless it shifted to a B2B marketplace model. Flipkart shifted to a B2B marketplace model only in April 2013 to ensure compliance with the FDI norms in e-retail. The investigation by the ED pertains to the capital that Flipkart raised before converting into a marketplace model. It appears that Flipkart was operating on a B2C e-commerce model where they owned the complete inventory even while having received FDI worth nearly 180 million till September 2012. Some other online retailers such as Myntra, Snapdeal, Yebhi, Jabong, and Fashionandyou are also being investigated by the ED on similar grounds. The ED has the power to impose a fine up to three times the actual investment allegedly made in violation of FDI laws. Flipkart39s marketplace model has also come under the ED probe for not complying with the spirit of FDI regulations. Flipkart has created a complex business structure by integrating its B2B operations with the marketplace model. A company called WS Retail was incorporated in 2009, which transacts with the customers and allegedly acts as a 8215front39 for the B2B firm (Flipkart Online Services) which receives foreign investment. This structure has been allegedly adopted to keep the foreign-funded Flipkart Online Services at an 8215arm39s length39 from selling directly to the consumer. While this structure seems to comply with the FDI policy in letter, for this structure to comply with the FDI regulations in spirit, Flipkart must establish that it has no influence over WS Retail, and that WS Retail maintains an arm39s length relationship with Flipkart Online Services. 3. Evolving government policy towards foreign investment in B2C e-retail In September 2012, the Indian government allowed 51 FDI in multi-brand retail, subject to certain conditions. This announcement was commended by e-commerce companies, since it was hoped that it would also draw in foreign investments in B2C e-commerce. However the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion ( DIPP ) of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry later clarified that this mandate did not apply to B2C e-retail and would apply only to retailers with brick-and-mortar operations. One of the reasons alluded to for this was the difficulty in monitoring inter-state transactions in e-commerce activities. Further, the new policy is merely an enabling policy and is dependent on the policies adopted by the respective governments of the States and Union Territories. In January 2014, the DIPP floated a discussion paper 11 detailing the merits and demerits of allowing FDI in the e-retail sector, urging stakeholders to give their comments. Opponents of FDI in B2C e-retail argue there will be loss of jobs and creation of a monopoly by multinational companies. Allowing the entry of inventory-based large foreign e-retailers like Amazon and e-Bay may shrink Indian entrepreneurship and the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSMEs ) sector. It is apprehended that organized retailers would source their goods from cheaper markets abroad, which will adversely affect the Indian manufacturing sector. The discussion paper also noted that introducing FDI in B2C e-retail would work against the spirit of FDI policy in multi-brand retail trading. 12 The proponents of the pro-FDI view cite benefits like creation of infrastructure, more jobs and better consumer service. The move will reduce the need for middlemen, lower transaction costs, reduce overhead charges, and reduce inventory and labour costs. FDI in B2C e-retail will allow MSMEs and artisans to reach out to customers far beyond their immediate location. Further, the spread of e-commerce in the rural and suburban India will provide choices to the growing number of customers there who have disposable income and are willing to spend for their choices. It will also help the rural economies integrate faster with the national economy. The government39s discussion paper observes that e-commerce has the potential to contribute more than 4 to India39s GDP by 2020. A joint report of KPMG and IAMAI titled 8213e-Commerce: Rhetoric, Reality and Opportunity8214 has established a direct co-relation between the size of the consumer e-commerce industry and openness to FDI in inventory based e-commerce. The report found that unlike countries such as US, China, Australia, Sri Lanka and Pakistan, India was the only one among a list of developed and developing economies that did not allow FDI in inventory based e-commerce. A decision by the newly-elected government on the entry of foreign investment in B2C e-retail is expected. As e-retail by its very nature is unlike physical retail, there are several issues which remain unclear for want of government decision on this subject. Would introduction of FDI in B2C e-retail grant back door entry to foreign investors in multi-brand retail While the State governments were given the choice to consent to establishment of front end multi-brand retail stores within their respective areas, the same treatment is unworkable for e-retail as it is not subject to any geography or territory limitations. Furthermore, will the e-retail companies partner with local manufacturers to source products or will they source their goods from cheaper markets abroad Will the government permit sale of agricultural produce or processed food by e-retail companies receiving foreign investment Will the government incorporate necessary safeguards in the policy to protect the interests of various stakeholders such as the brick and mortar shopkeepers and domestic e-retail companies It remains to be seen whether India-based e-commerce companies like Flipkart, Snapdeal, Fashionandyou, DealsandYou and HomeShop18 will be able to fight the battle against big international business entities such as Amazon and e-Bay, once the government approves FDI in B2C e-retail and they are permitted to have their own warehouses or retail operations. The recent merger of Flipkart with lifestyle e-commerce portal Myntra, is indicative of how e-retail companies are consolidating themselves to prepare for a competitive future. Conclusion At present, e-commerce, as a proportion of total retail sales in India, is a small figure.13 However, the rate of growth in e-commerce from year to year and the impact of such growth on the economy have forced the Indian government to study the FDI policy framework with respect to e-retail. If and when the new government introduces FDI in B2C e-retail, it will be interesting to see the entry routes, FDI caps and limits on the percentage of sourcing from domestic manufacturers. Supportive foreign investment regulations will help in easing capital constraint and building a constructive growth environment for the e-retail industry. The onus is, therefore, on the government to formulate clear e-retail policy so that these issues can be addressed. 1 India, with 205 million internet users, has the third largest internet user-base in the world, behind China with 300 million and the US with 207 million, according to a report released by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International in November 2013. 5 Under paragraph of the consolidated FDI policy circular of 2014 (effective from 17 April, 2014), FDI up to 100 is permitted in e-commerce activities, subject to the provisions of Paragraph, which are set out as - E-commerce activities refer to the activity of buying and selling by a company through the e-commerce platform. Such companies would engage only in Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce and not in retail trading, inter-alia implying that existing restrictions on FDI in domestic trading would be applicable to e-commerce as well. 6 FDI in B2B e-commerce was first permitted vide entry at serial number 4 of Press Note 2 (2000) dated 11.02.2000. The provisions on e-commerce, under Press Notes 4 and 5 of 2012 reiterate the existing provisions. 7 See Paragraphs (2)(f) and (1)(ix) of the consolidated FDI policy circular of 2014. 8 For instance, Flipkart only provides a platform for communication and any contract for sale of goods or services is a bipartite contract between the seller and the buyer. For details please visit flipkartsterms (as visited on June 21, 2014). 9 In the inventory based model, ownership of goods and services as well as the marketplace vests with the same entity the company that runs the website. 10 The ED is a part of Ministry of Finance and is responsible for enforcement of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and certain provisions under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. 12 The DIPP discussion paper noted that allowing FDI in e-commerce will provide e-commerce players complete geographical reach which will be against the spirit of FDI in MBRT i. e. being restricted to cities with a population of more than one million or any other city as per the choice of consenting states . 13 According to the India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) report of January 2013 e-commerce in India accounts for just 0.1 per cent of total retail sales vis--vis more than 2.9 per cent in China. The online retail penetration enjoyed by the US is 7.0 per cent. 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